The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook - Deb Perelman
The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook – Deb Perelman

Sunday, July 24 – 6:00pm

Our next cookbook was recommended by Colin, who is fast becoming a star member of the cookbook club (perhaps we will see if we can convince him to be a co-organizer!) – Deb Perelman’s The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook. Smitten Kitchen started out as blog where Deb Perelman shared the dishes she cooked in her tiny Manhattan kitchen. We were drawn to her cookbook because the recipes sounded delicious, but accessible. (more…)

the cookbook Plenty by Yotam Ottolenghi
Plenty – Yotam Ottolenghi

Saturday, April 23 – 12:30pm

At the end of each event, we talk about the cookbook for the next one. And after stuffing ourselves last month with all of the rich goodness from Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking, we all kind of felt the need to cleanse. So in complete contrast, we went with Yotam Ottolenghi’s Plentywhich is a vegetable-focused cookbook. Ottolenghi is an Israeli-born British chef, known for creating Mediterranean-influenced recipes using fresh, seasonal ingredients, so his cookbook seemed like just what we were looking for. (more…)